











  • 电子邮箱: tjzhang@shmu.edu.cn
  • 所属部门: 流行病学教研室
  • 职  称: 教授(博士生导师)
1 研究方向
2 任教课程


3 学术简历

复旦大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学教授,博士生导师,复旦大学泰州健康科学研究院副院长,复旦大学公共卫生学院队列数据库和样本库管理中心副主任。美国内布拉斯加大学病毒学中心博士后,2008被评选为上海市公共卫生青年优秀人才,现为中国抗癌协会流行病学分会专业委员,中国艾滋病性病协会会员,也是《中国公共卫生》杂志青年编委,《中国学校卫生》通讯编委,同时担任Lancet Global Health、International Journal of CancerWHO BulletinCurrent HIV researchJournal of Medical Virology、中国预防医学杂志、及疾病监测杂志等多个杂志的审稿专家。长期以来从事于肿瘤病毒的研究工作,现已发表科研论文200多篇,第一作者或者通讯作者SCI论文60篇,其中包括Journal of Hepatology, Hepatology, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, International Journal of Epidemiology, American Journal of Epidemiology, International Journal of Cancer, AIDS等业内权威期刊,单篇论文影响因子最高为20.58ESI高被引论文3篇。作为项目负责人及骨干承担国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金等10多项科研项目。

4 学术兼职

Academic Editor: Medicine-LWW

5 荣誉奖励


6 代表性成果

英文论著(部分论著 †第一作者, *通讯作者):

  1. Chengnan Guo†, Zhenqiu Liu†, Hong Fan, Haili Wang, Xin Zhang, Shuzhen Zhao, Yi Li, Xinyu Han, Tianye Wang, Xingdong Chen*, Tiejun Zhang*. Machine learning-based plasma metabolomic profiles for predicting long-term complications of cirrhosis. Hepatology 2025 81(1): 168-180.
  2. Hong Fan†, Matina Kouvari†*, Geltrude Mingrone, Jacob George, Georgios Papatheodoridis, Laura Valenzuela-Vallejo, Zhenqiu Liu, Xingdong Chen, Tiejun Zhang*, Christos S Mantzoros* . Lipoprotein (a) in the Full Spectrum of MASLD; Evidence from Histologically and Genetically Characterized Cohorts. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2024 Accepted.
  3. Tianye Wang†, Yiyun Xu†, Sujuan Zhou†, Xin Zhang, Qiwen Fang, Huangbo Yuan, Xuefu Wu, Yi Li, Tao Chen, Tiejun Zhang*. Associations between Salivary Microbiota and KSHV Infection in People with HIV: A Cross-Sectional Study in Ili Prefecture, Xinjiang, China. AIDS, 2024 Accepted.
  4. Chengnan Guo†, Zhenqiu Liu†, Xin Zhang, Shuzhen Zhao, Hong Fan, Haili Wang, Yi Li, Tianye Wang, Luojia Dai,Jiayi Huang, Xingdong Chen*, Tiejun Zhang*. Global, regional, and national epidemiology of hepatoblastoma in children from 1990 to 2021: a trend analysis. Hepatology International. 2024 Accepted
  5. Haili Wang, Zhenqiu Liu, Hong Fan, Chengnan Guo, Xin Zhang, Yi Li, Suzhen Zhao, Luojia Dai, Ming Zhao, Tiejun Zhang*. Association between advanced fibrosis and epigenetic age acceleration among individuals with MASLD. Journal of Gastroenterology 2024 Accepted
  6. Ming Zhao, Xinyu Han, Hong Fan, Chenyu Liang, Haili Wang, Xin Zhang, Shuzhen Zhao, Chengnan Guo, Zhenqiu Liu, Tiejun Zhang*. Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease Increases the Risk of Severe Infection: A Population-based Cohort Study. Liver International 2024 Accepted
  7. Zhenqiu Liu, Huangbo Yuan, Chen Suo, Renjia Zhao, Li Jin, Xuehong Zhang, Tiejun Zhang*, Xingdong Chen*. Point-based risk score for the risk stratification and prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma: a population-based random survival forest modeling study. Lancet-eClinicalMedicine, 2024;75,102796.
  8. Chengnan Guo†, Zhenqiu Liu†, Hong Fan, Haili Wang, Xin Zhang, Shuzhen Zhao, Yi Li, Tianye Wang, Luojia Dai, Jiayi Huang, Xingdong Chen*, Tiejun Zhang*. Nonlinear relationships of circulating polyunsaturated fatty acids with the complications of liver cirrhosis: A prospective, longitudinal cohort study. Clinical nutrition, 2024 43(9):2083-2091.
  9. Xinyu Han†, Xin Zhang†, Zhenqiu Liu, Hong Fan, Chengnan Guo, Haili Wang, Yu Gu, Tiejun Zhang*. Prevalence of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Liver Cirrhosis in Chinese Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Diabetes. 2024;16(5):e13564.
  10. Chengnan Guo†, Zhenqiu Liu†, Hong Fan, Haili Wang, Xin Zhang, Changjia Fan, Yi Li, Xinyu Han, Tiejun Zhang*. Associations of healthy lifestyle and three latent socioeconomic status patterns with physical multimorbidity among middle-aged and older adults in China. Preventive Medicine 2023 Oct:175:107693.
  11. Hong Fan, Zhenqiu Liu, Pengyan Zhang, Sheng Wu, Xinyu Han, Yiwen Huang, Yichen Zhu, Xingdong Chen, Tiejun Zhang*. Characteristics and long-term mortality of patients with non-MAFLD hepatic steatosis. Hepatology International 2023,17(3):615-625.
  12. Hong Fan†, Lili Li†, Zhenqiu Liu, Liou Cao, Xingdong Chen, Chen Suo*, Tiejun Zhang*. The association between thyroid hormones and MAFLD is mediated by obesity and metabolic disorders and varies among MAFLD subtypes. Digestive and Liver Disease, 2023,55(6):785-790.
  13. Zhenqiu Liu, Ci Song, Chen Suo, Hong Fan, Tiejun Zhang*, Li Jin, Xingdong Chen*. Alcohol consumption and hepatocellular carcinoma: novel insights from a prospective cohort study and nonlinear Mendelian randomization analysis, BMC Medicine, 2022, 20:413
  14. Hong Fan†, Zhenqiu Liu†, Xin Zhang, Sheng Wu, Tingting Shi, Pengyan Zhang, Yiyun Xu, Xingdong Chen, Tiejun Zhang*. Thyroid stimulating hormone levels are associated with genetically predicted nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.  2022;107(9):2522-2529.
  15. Sheng Wu, Huangbo Yuan, Hong Fan, Yiyun Xu, Zhenqiu Liu, Xuefu Wu, Mingshan Wu, Xin Zhang, Tingting Shi, Tiejun Zhang*. Evolutionary characteristics and immune mutation of hepatitis C virus genotype 1b among intravenous drug users in mainland, China. Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 2022, 29(3):209-217.
  16. Zhenqiu Liu,†, Kelin Xu,†, Yanfeng Jiang, Ning Cai, Jiahui Fan, Xianhua Mao, Chen Suo, Li Jin, Tiejun Zhang†, Xingdong Chen*†. Global trend of etiology-based primary liver cancer incidence from 1990 to 2030: a modeling study. Int J Epidemiol. 2021, 50(1):128-142.
  17. Zhenqiu Liu, Xianhua Mao, Kangkang Yu, Chen Suo, Li Jin, Tiejun Zhang*, Xingdong Chen*. Prevalence of HCV Resistance-Associated Substitutions among Treatment Failure Patients received the Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents. Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 2020, 27(6):585-592.
  18. Zhenqiu Liu, Chen Suo, Xianhua Mao, Yanfeng Jiang, Li Jin, Tiejun Zhang*, Xingdong Chen*. Global incidence trends in primary liver cancer by age at diagnosis, sex, region, and aetiology, 1990-2017. Cancer 2020, 126(10):2267-2278.
  19. Zhenqiu Liu, Chunqing Lin, Lina Mu, Chen Suo, Weimin Ye, Li Jin, Silvia Franceschi, Tiejun Zhang*, Xingdong Chen*. The disparities in gastrointestinal cancer incidence among Chinese populations in Shanghai compared with Chinese immigrants and indigenous non−Hispanic white populations in Los Angeles, USA. International Journal of Cancer. 2020, 15;146(2):329-340.
  20. Zhenqiu Liu†, Yanfeng Jiang†, Qiwen Fang, Huangbo Yuan, Ning Cai, Chen Suo, Weimin Ye, Xingdong Chen*, Tiejun Zhang*. Future of cancer incidence in Shanghai, China: predicting the burden upon the ageing population. Cancer Epidemiology 2019 60:8-15.
  21. Zhenqiu Liu†, Qin Yang†, Ning Cai, Li Jin, Tiejun Zhang*, Xingdong Chen*. Enigmatic Differences by Sex in Cancer Incidence: Evidence from Childhood Cancers. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2019 188(6):1130-1135.
  22. Zhenqiu Liu†, Yanfeng Jiang†, Huangbo Yuan, Qiwen Fang, Ning Cai, Chen Suo, Li Jin, Tiejun Zhang*, Xingdong Chen* The trends in incidence of primary liver cancer caused by specific etiologies: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 and implications for liver cancer prevention. Journal of Hepatology, 2019 70(4)674-683. ESI 高被引论文
  23. Zhenqiu Liu†, Oumin Shi†, Ning Cai, Yanfeng Jiang, Kexun Zhang, Zhen Zhu, Huangbo Yuan, Qiwen Fang, Chen Suo, Silvia Franceschi, Tiejun Zhang*, Xingdong Chen*. Disparities in cancer incidence among Chinese population versus migrants to developed regions: a population based comparative study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2019. 28(5):890-899.
  24. Qiwen Fang, Zhenqiu Liu, Tiejun Zhang*. Human Leukocyte Antigen Polymorphisms and Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Infection Outcomes: A Call for Deeper Exploration. Journal of Medical Virology. 2019 91(4):541-548. Invited review.
  25. Zhenqiu Liu, Qin Yang, Oumin Shi, Weimin Ye, Xingdong Chen, Tiejun Zhang*. The epidemiology of hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections in China from 2004 to 2014: an observational population based study. Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 2018; 25:1543-1554.
  26. Lei Bai, Zhenqiu Liu, Qiwen Fang, Qiong Yan, Oumin Shi, Pingping Bao, Lina Mu, Xingdong Chen*, Tiejun Zhang*. The trends and projections in the incidence and mortality of liver cancer in urban Shanghai: a population-based study from 1973 to 2020. Clinical Epidemiology 2018, 10:277-288.
  27. Zhenqiu Liu, Qiwen Fang, Jialu Zuo, Veenu Minhas, Charles Wood*, Tiejun Zhang*. The worldwide incidence of Kaposi`s sarcoma in the HIV/AIDS era. HIV MEDICINE 2018 19(5):355-364. IF 3.734 F1000 Prime Recommendation. https://f1000.com/prime/735070462
  28. Tiejun Zhang, Linding Wang. Epidemiology of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Medical Virology. 2017 Apr;89(4):563-570. Invited review
  29. Tiejun Zhang, Xiaodan Shao, Yue Chen, Tao Zhang, Veenu Minhas, Charles Wood, Na He. Human herpesvirus 8 seroprevalence, China. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2012, 18(1):150-152.
  30. Zhang T, He N, Ding Y, Crabtree K, Minhas V, Wood C. Prevalence of Human Herpesvirus 8 and Hepatitis C virus in a rural community with a high risk for blood borne infection in Central China. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2011, 17(3):395-401.



  1. 黎怡,张欣,樊虹,徐艺耘,吴声,张铁军(通讯作者)*. 零膨胀有序Logit模型和传统模型在零膨胀等级资料分析中的比较研究[J]. 中国卫生统计,2024,41(5):671-675.
  2. 吴声,樊虹,张彭燕,徐艺耘,施婷婷,张欣,张铁军(通讯作者)*. 智能体模型在艾滋病流行病学中的应用 [J]. 中国卫生统计,2024,41(5):734-738.
  3. 张彭燕,刘振球,樊虹,索晨, 陈兴栋,张铁军(通讯作者)*. 限制性立方样条Cox比例风险模型在肿瘤预后分析中的应用 [J]. 复旦学报医学版, 2023,50(2).
  4. 施婷婷,刘振球,樊虹,张彭燕,俞顺章,张铁军(通讯作者)*. 2005-2016年中国肝癌发病趋势分析[J]. 中华流行病学杂志,2022, 43(3):330-335.
  5. 徐艺耘, 刘振球, 樊虹, 张欣, 施婷婷, 吴声, 张铁军(通讯作者)*. MR-Egger回归在孟德尔随机化分析中的应用[J]. 复旦学报医学版, 2021, 48(6):804-809.
  6. 吴明山,刘振球,吴学福,施婷婷,张欣,张铁军(通讯作者)*. HBV不同基因型致癌风险差异的系统综述和Meta分析[J]. 中华疾病控制杂志, 2021, 25(03):323-328.
  7. 施婷婷,刘振球,袁黄波,吴学福,吴明山,张铁军(通讯作者)* 倾向性评分匹配法在非随机对照研究中的应用[J]. 中国卫生统计, 2021, 38(2)312-315.
  8. 张欣,刘振球,袁黄波,吴学福,吴明山,张铁军(通讯作者)* 神经网络自回归模型在丙肝发病趋势和预测研究中的应用[J]. 中国卫生统计, 2020, 37(4):524-526.
  9. 吴明山,刘振球,陈兴栋,张铁军(通讯作者)*.全球乙型肝炎病毒基因型的分布现状[J].中华疾病控制杂志,2020, 24(2):217-221.







3、《科研论文绘图指南》 复旦大学出版社,上海,2022



1、编委 第14章《医学研究的数据管理与分析》“十一五规划教材”人民卫生出版社,北京,2008.

2、编委 第6章《医学统计方法及其SPSS软件实现》中国科技大学出版社,合肥, 2017.



1、参编《SARS防治手册》上海市科学技术委员会. 复旦出版社,上海,2003

2、编委《肿瘤流行病学》复旦大学出版社,上海 2016

3、编委《流行病学案例分析》复旦大学出版社,上海 2015

4、编委《全球卫生治理视角下的中国经验与策略》复旦大学出版社,上海 2017






     miRNA在制备用于检测KSHV潜伏感染的试剂盒中的用途(授权公告号 CN111057790B)

     用于定量检测卡波氏肉瘤相关疱疹病毒的质粒标准品. 发明专利 (202411252140.8)


7 代表性项目


8 其他

已指导 “曦源项目”1项,“德隆学者”3项
