











  • 电子邮箱: sun_liang@fudan.edu.cn
  • 所属部门: 营养与食品卫生学教研室
  • 职  称: 研究员(博士生导师)
1 研究方向
  • 基于多组学的营养流行病学队列,研究慢性代谢性疾病的早期特征、风险因素和预测模型,促进健康老龄化和慢病预防关口前移。
  • 基于营养干预的新理念新技术,探索中国人群的代谢健康新标准,创新精准评估和干预策略,提升干预效能。
  • 基于多来源、多维度、动态数据,探讨营养及其他影响因素(如昼夜节律、运动、环境污染等)在慢性代谢性疾病发生和衰老过程中的交互作用及综合干预策略。
2 任教课程
  • 营养与食品卫生学
  • 营养流行病学
  • 营养、膳食与健康
  • 科学写作:聚焦群医学 (Scientific Writing: Focusing on Population-based Medicine)
3 学术简历
  • 2022/07-至今,       复旦大学公共卫生学院,研究员
  • 2020/04-2022/06,中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所,副研究员
  • 2019/09-2020/09,英国牛津大学,访问学者
  • 2012/09-2020/03,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,副研究员
  • 2010/06-2012/08,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,博士后
4 学术兼职
  • 2021/6-至今,中国老年保健医学研究会健康标准工作委员会,委员
  • 2021/5-至今,上海市医师协会整合医学分会,委员
  • 2017/11-至今,中国营养学会基础营养学分会,秘书长
  • 2017/01-2023/02,Nutrition & Metabolism 期刊,责任编辑
5 荣誉奖励
  • 中国营养学会“科学传播百名专家”(2022-2024)
  • 2018年度“上海市科技系统优秀志愿者”
  • 2016年度“中国糖尿病十大研究”最具影响力研究奖
  • 2013年度 赛诺菲-中国科学院上海生命科学研究院优秀青年人才奖励基金
6 代表性成果

#co-first author; *co-senior or co-corresponding author

  1. Wu Y#, Zhang X#, Sun L#, Wu Q#, Liu X, Deng Y, Lu Z, Li Z, Deng C, He R, Zhang L, Zeng R, Zhang X, Chen L, Lin X. Two-dimensional health state map to define metabolic health using separated static and dynamic homeostasis features: a proof-of-concept study. Natl Sci Rev. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwae425
  2. Xu X, Jigeer G, Gunn DA, Liu Y, Chen X, Guo Y, Li Y, Gu X, Ma Y, Wang J, Wang S, Sun L*, Lin X*, Gao X*. Facial aging, cognitive impairment, and dementia risk. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2024;16:245.
  3. Chen Y, Geng T, Xu X, Zhang Z, Huang L, Dong H, Yu H, Gao X*, Sun L*. Misalignment Between Circadian Preference and Accelerometer-Derived Sleep-Wake Cycle With Increased Risk of Cardiometabolic Diseases. JACC Adv. 2024:3;101406.
  4. Kang W, Xu X, Yang X, Wu Q, Li S, Gao K, Zeng R*, Sun L*,  Lin X*. Associations of Plasma Lipidomic Profles with Uric Acid and Hyperuricemia Risk in Middle‑Aged and Elderly Chinese. Phenomics. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43657-024-00157-x
  5. Yang W, Wu Y, Chen Y, Chen S, Gao X, Wu S*, Sun L*. Different levels of physical activity and risk of developing type 2 diabetes among adults with prediabetes: a population-based cohort study. Nutr J. 2024;23:107. 
  6. Huang L, Li Y, Xu X, Chen W, Zhang Z, Sun L*, Gao X*. Longitudinal association between accelerometer-derived rest-activity rhythm and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Sleep Med. 2024;121:8-14.
  7. Wang K, Li Y, Chen X, Veldheer S, Wang C, Wang H, Sun L*, Gao X*. Gardening and subjective cognitive decline: a cross-sectional study and mediation analyses of 136,748 adults aged 45+ years. Nutr J. 2024;23:59.
  8. Li Y, Xu X, Wang P, Chen X, Yang Q, Sun L*, Gao X*. Association of Cancer History with Lifetime Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2024;98:1319-1328
  9. Wang K, Li Y, Na M, Wang C, Ba DM, Sun L*, Gao X*. Association between gardening and multiple sleep complaints: A nationwide study of 62,098 adults. J Affect Disord. 2024;355:131-135
  10. Xu X, Li Y, Wang J, Cao Y, Feng C, Guo Y, Zong G, Sun L*, Gao X*. Family History of AD/Dementia, Polygenic Risk Score for AD, and Parkinson's Disease. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2023;10:1787-1794
  11. Luo Y#, Sun L*#, Wu Q#, Song B, Wu Y, Yang X, Zhou P, Niu Z, Zheng H, Li H, Gu W, Wang J, Ning G, Zeng R*, Lin X*. Diet-Related Lipidomic Signatures and Changed Type 2 Diabetes Risk in a Randomized Controlled Feeding Study With Mediterranean Diet and Traditional Chinese or Transitional Diets. Diabetes Care. 2023;46:1691-1699 (co-senior)
  12. Niu Z, Wu Q, Luo Y, Wang D, Zheng H, Wu Y, Yang X, Zeng R*, Sun L*, Lin X*. Plasma Lipidomic Subclasses and Risk of Hypertension in Middle‑Aged and Elderly Chinese. Phenomics. 2022;2:283-294
  13. Luo Y#, Wang J#, Sun L#, Gu W#, Zong G, Song B, Shen C, Zhou P, Chen Y, Wu Y, Lin H, Zheng H, Ni M, Yang X, Chen Y, Xu X, Zhang J, Shi J, Zhang R, Hu J, Hou H, Lu L, Xu X, Liang L, Liu R, Liu X, Li H, Hong J, Wang W, Lin X, Ning G. Isocaloric-restricted Mediterranean diet and Chinese diets high or low in plants in adults with prediabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022;107:2216-2227
  14. Yun H#, Sun L#, Wu Q#, Luo Y, Qi Q, Li H, Gu W, Wang J, Ning G, Zeng R, Zong G, Lin X. Lipidomic Signatures of Dairy Consumption and Associated Changes in Blood Pressure and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Chinese Adults. Hypertension. 2022; 79:1617-1628 (Editorial: Hypertension. 2022;79:1629–1632)
  15. Sun L#, Du H#, Zong G, Guo Y, Chen Y, Chen Y, Yin H, Pei P, Yang L, Chu Q, Yu C, Li Y, Lv J, Zheng H, Zhou P, Chen J, Li L, Chen Z, Lin X; China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group. Associations of erythrocyte polyunsaturated fatty acids with incidence of stroke and stroke types in adult Chinese: a prospective study of over 8000 individuals. Eur J Nutr. 2022;61:3235-3246
  16. Xiong Q#, Sun L*#, Luo Y, Yun H, Shen X, Yin H, Chen X, Lin X*. Different Isocaloric Meals and Adiposity Modify Energy Expenditure and Clinical and Metabolomic Biomarkers During Resting and Exercise States in a Randomized Crossover Acute Trial of Normal-Weight and Overweight/Obese Men. J Nutr. 2022;152:1118-1129
  17. Chen S, Zong G, Wu Q, Yun H, Niu Z, Zheng H, Zeng R*, Sun L*, Lin X*. Associations of plasma glycerophospholipid profile with modifiable lifestyles and incident diabetes in middle-aged and older Chinese. Diabetelogia. 2022;65:315-328
  18. Ma Y#, Sun Y#, Sun L#, Liu X, Zeng R, Lin X, Li Y. Effects of gut microbiota and fatty acid metabolism on dyslipidemia following weight-loss diets in women: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Clin Nutr. 2021;40:5511-5520
  19. Chen S, Wu Q, Zhu L, Zong G, Li H, Zheng H, Zeng R*, Lin X*, Sun L*. Plasma glycerophospholipid profile, erythrocyte n-3 PUFAs, and metabolic syndrome incidence: a prospective study in Chinese men and women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2021;114:143-153
  20. Wang D#, Sun L#, Liu X#, Niu Z, Chen S, Tang L, Zheng H, Chen X, Li H, Lu L, Malik V, Lin X. Replacing white rice bars with peanuts as snacks in the habitual diet improves metabolic syndrome risk among Chinese adults: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2021;113: 28-35
  21. Sun L, Zong G, Li H, Lin X. Fatty acids and cardiometabolic health: a review of studies in Chinese populations. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2021;75:253-266
  22. Yun H#, Sun L#, Wu Q#, Zong G, Qi Q, Li H, Zheng H, Zeng R, Liang L, Lin X. Associations among Circulating Sphingolipids, β-Cell Function and Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes: A Population-Based Cohort Study in China. PLoS Med. 2020;17:e1003451
  23. Sun L, Li H, Lin X. Linking of metabolomic biomarkers with cardiometabolic health in Chinese population. J Diabetes. 2019;11:280-291
  24. Sun L#, Liang L# Gao X#, Zhang H, Yao P, Hu Y, Ma Y, Wang F, Jin Q, Li H, Li R, Liu Y, Hu FB, Zeng R, Lin X, Wu J. Early Prediction of Developing Type 2 Diabetes by Plasma Acylcarnitines: Population-Based Study. Diabetes Care. 2016;39:1563-1570
  25. Liu X, Lu L, Yao P, Ma Y, Wang F, Jin Q, Ye X, Hu FB, Sun L*, Lin X*. Lipopolysaccharide binding protein, obesity status, and incidence of metabolic syndrome: a prospective study among middle-aged and older Chinese. Diabetologia. 2014;57:1834-1841
  26. Sun L#, Qi Q#, Zong G, Ye X, Li H, Liu X, Zheng H, Hu FB, Liu Y, Lin X. Elevated plasma retinol-binding protein 4 is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes in middle-aged and elderly Chinese adults. J Nutr. 2014;144:722-8
  27. Sun L#, Zong G#, Pan A, Ye X, Li H, Yu Z, Zhao Y, Zou S, Yu D, Jin Q, Hu FB, Lin X. Elevated plasma ferritin is associated with increased incidence of type 2 diabetes in middle-aged and elderly Chinese adults. J Nutr. 2013;143:1459-1465
  28. Sun L, Yu Z, Ye X, Zou S, Li H, Yu D, Wu H, Chen Y, Dore J, Clément K, Hu FB, Lin X. A marker of endotoxemia is associated with obesity and related metabolic disorders in apparently healthy Chinese. Diabetes Care 2010;33:1925-1932
  29. Liu Q#, Sun L#, Tan Y, Wang G, Lin X, Cai L. Role of Iron Deficiency and Overload in the Pathogenesis of Diabetes and Diabetic Complications. Curr Med Chem 2009;16:113-129
  30. Sun L, Franco OH, Hu FB, Cai L, Yu Z, Li H, Ye X, Qi Q, Wang J, Pan A, Liu Y, Lin X. Ferritin concentrations, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes in middle-aged and elderly Chinese. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008;93:4690-4696
7 代表性项目
  • 主持国家重点研发计划课题,国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目,上海市“科技创新行动计划”科普专项项目,哈佛大学国际合作项目,汤臣倍健营养科学研究基金项目,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院优秀青年人才领域前沿项目, 中国博士后科学基金面上项目。
  • 骨干参与中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)项目,中国科学院重点部署项目,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973项目)。
8 其他
  • 获发明专利授权6项
  • 参与制定团体标准《老年人营养素强化补充指南:维生素 D》(T/CAGR 006—2022)
  • 参与撰写《影响人群营养干预研究质量关键问题的专家意见》
  • 参与编写国际营养科学经典教材《Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease 12th Edition》